
Posts Tagged ‘Nature Photography’

Hello All,

This past April, while exploring one of my favourite wooded areas in Ottawa, Ontario, I was lucky enough to hear a single ‘hoot’ from an owl. I began scanning the trees and searching the area, and minutes later and 50 yards from where I originally heard the call, I came upon a barred owl perched high in a tree.

Within minutes, another barred owl was spotted perched a few trees over. The excitement was quite overwhelming, as I was fairly confident this was a nesting pair.


The next couple of weeks were spent capturing the behaviour of both owls – including preening, vocalizing, pellet regurgitating, and sleeping. Finally, I discovered the location of the nest. It was in the hollowed trunk of a broken tree, approximately 15 feet up from the ground.



Listening to the two owls vocalize back and forth was quite the experience. Barred owls have a very distinctive call and they would periodically ‘hoot’ to each other throughout the day. Here is some video footage I captured of an exchange.

On June 11th I discovered three chicks had successfully hatched. My guess is they had hatched approximately 3 to 4 weeks earlier. Here they are in the crowded nest.

This past week I discovered that the first chick had left the nest. It will not fledge for another 3 to 4 weeks, but they are excellent climbers and are classed as ‘branchers’ at this stage. This little one was perched on a downed tree, approximately 30 yards from the nest site. I was fortunate enough to spend almost an hour with it, no more than 10 feet away.


I was very excited to capture the following footage of this chick, regurgitating two pellets, then jumping on to a tree truck and climbing up some 15 feet.

It has been a wonderful experience observing and documenting this barred owl family. I will be back out in the woods this week, as all three chicks should be out of the nest and interacting with one another and their parents.

Yours in the Outdoors,


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Hello All,

I am pleased to announce that my 2014 Wildlife Calendar – showcasing up-close and intimate portraits of nature, including moose, deer, grouse, loons, owls and more, is now available for purchase. This calendar will make the perfect addition to the home or cottage for those that love wildlife. They also make excellent gifts for those on your Christmas list.

Each calendar is professionally printed using high-quality stock paper and measures 17″ by 11″ when open.

Cost per calendar is $22.50, which includes shipping within North America. In addition, $1 from each calendar sold will be donated to The Friends of Algonquin Park.

Discounts will be given for multiple orders:

2 calendars – $42.50 (includes shipping)
3 calendars – $62.50 (includes shipping)
International Orders – Please enquire.

I accept Cheque, PayPal, or Interac e-Transfer.

For more information or to place an order, please contact me at:

Calendars will ship the first week of November. All orders placed before October 31st will be put into a draw for the following prizes:

1. Two free prints of your choice.
2. A set of four greeting cards.

Thanks for your interest!

The following images represent the applicable months and are shown in low-res. Calendar will be of high-res. quality.


January – Whitetail Deer

February - Northern Hawk Owl

February – Northern Hawk Owl

March - Mallard Duck

March – Mallard Duck

April - Moose

April – Moose

May - Red Fox Kits

May – Red Fox Kits

June - Whitetail Deer

June – Whitetail Deer

July / Cover - Common Loon and Chick

July / Cover – Common Loon and Chick

August - Red Fox

August – Red Fox

September - Bullfrog

September – Bullfrog

October - Common Loon

October – Common Loon

November - Spruce Grouse

November – Spruce Grouse

December - Great Gray Owl

December – Great Gray Owl


Thank you for your interest.

Yours in the Outdoors,









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Hello All,

I am pleased to announce that my new photographic portfolio website has now launched. This new site will feature all of my images, in specific categories dependant on specie, activity, etc. Simply click on the drop down menu and browse the images you are interested in.

For those that love wildlife, fishing, and hunting scene photography, feel free to check out all of the images on my latest offering.

Home Page

Home Page

Click here to be directed to the site: http://www.JustinHoffmanOutdoors.zenfolio.com

Yours In The Outdoors,


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Hello All,

I was happy to discover on July 3rd that the common loon chick had successfully hatched. The new family was very receptive to me spending time with them, often swimming and feeding less than twenty feet from the boat.

It has been a goal of mine to capture on film a chick hitching a ride atop its mother’s back. I had many opportunities on this day and I am very pleased with the way the images turned out.

It will be fun to follow this family over the next few months, to watch the chick age, change colour, and become an adult itself. I hope to share those adventures with you all.

In all of these images the chick is 5/6 days old.








I was also able to shoot this short video while out on the water, showcasing the interactions between mother and chick.

Some of these images are available for purchase as photographic prints. Please click on tab at the top of the page for more information.

Yours in the Outdoors,


(click on images to view in full size)

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Hello All,

Although generic only by moniker, the Common Loon is one of the most visually stunning and hauntingly sounding water bird to inhabit North American lakes and rivers. Easily recognizable with their ‘tuxedo’ plumage, these large birds are a definite delight to watch and photograph.

I was fortunate this past week to locate my first nest, with a female sitting atop a single egg. It was hidden amongst the reeds and cattails, less than a foot from the waters edge. It was a rare and wonderful find and I will be checking back this week to see if her little one has hatched.










Yours In The Outdoors,


(click on images to view full size)

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Hello All,

For those that have expressed interest in purchasing my fox images as prints, the following four will be stocked for sale. If you have a preference for another image that is not listed here, it can still be fulfilled, although shipping times may be a bit longer.

My May Promotion for a FREE 5 x 7″ photographic greeting card was set to end tomorrow, but for those that place an order by midnight June 3rd, I will be happy to send you your choice of card (one for each print ordered) for free.
All prints are 8 x 10″ in size, except the image of the six kits – it is 8 x 12″.

Red Fox - Print #16

Red Fox – Print #16

Red Fox - Print #17

Red Fox – Print #17

Red Fox - Print #18 (8 x 12")

Red Fox – Print #18 (8 x 12″)

Red Fox - Print #19

Red Fox – Print #19

For full ordering information and prices, click on the tab “Prints and Greeting Cards.”

Thanks for the support.

Yours In The Outdoors,


(click on images to view full size)






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A Special Moment Spent with Foxes

Hello All,

I feel a certain affinity to Algonquin Provincial Park since visiting for the first time this past fall. The wealth of wildlife, the serene peace and beauty, as well as the wonderful friends you meet along the way, are just a few of the selling points that will have you sold upon entering through the gate.

I was fortunate to meet a pair of red foxes back in November that have allowed me to photograph their daily interactions with each other, and within their home territory. Each subsequent visit I have met up with them again – and it is always a pleasure to record their inquisitive nature with my camera.

This past week I made a return trip to the park to photograph the abundant moose that call Algonquin home. As the day wore on, myself and a new-found photographer friend made the trip up to see my foxes. Strangely enough, none were visible this afternoon, and after searching the woods for close to an hour, we made the decision to head back to our parked cars. It was then that I saw one – visible just through a tree and laying on the ground. Immediately Wesley exclaimed “it has kits with it!” To say we were excited was an understatement. My goal has always been to find a fox den. I knew this family had one in the immediate vicinity, but after searching numerous times, my hopes of finding it were slim.

As we rounded the corner of the tree, a number of kits scrambled up an embankment and scampered out of sight. The mother stayed put, sunning herself amongst the moss and lichens that line the forest floor. After giving the kits some time, I headed up the hill in the general direction that they went. The sight that met me was nothing short of incredible.


There were six kits in total and all were inquisitive, playful, and beyond cute. As I snapped photos the mother hung out mere feet away, either sleeping in the sun or scampering up the hill. She was also attentive to each and every one of her family.


After taking a short break back at the cars to apply bug spray, we watched the mother fox emerge from the woods carry a ruffed grouse in her mouth. We grabbed our camera gear and made our way back to the den. Unfortunately, nothing remained of that meal other than feathers, but the sight on top of the small knoll was a moment that every wildlife photographer dreams about. The mother was nursing all six kits.




I watched in amazement the next couple of hours. Each kit had its own personality, and watching them interact with each other – and their mother – was definitely special.





Spending time with this family was definitely a highlight in my photography career. I plan on heading back to the park later this week. Can’t wait to see these little ones once again.

I will be offering photographic prints for purchase from this set. For those interested, details will be announced next week.

Yours in the Outdoors,


(click on images to view full size)

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