Shed Hunting….and a Side of Snowshoe Hare
Posted in Fishing, tagged Birds, Deer, Fishing, Justin Hoffman, Justin Hoffman Outdoors, Nature Photography, Outdoors on March 14, 2012 | 1 Comment »
Hello All,
With the warm weather of today, and with an itching to find a spent antler, I headed out with camera in hand for a day of shed hunting.
Conditions varied at my favourite hiking spot. Deep snow in some spots, bare ground in others, and miniature ponds scattered amongst them for good measure. Regardless of the terrain, wearing only a t-shirt and having the sun shine on my face sure felt great.
I have certainly had a fascination over the years for finding a deer antler. But, for the many miles I’ve walked in the woods, a shed I have yet to spot. The signs were excellent on this outing – dozens of deer trails, plenty of scrapes, and scat everywhere. Sadly, after 5 hours and 8.6 kilometres of working the brush, I came up empty handed.
Deer Trail
Deer Scat
I was fortunate to spot this fella, although with the diminishing snow and him still clad in his winter coat, it wasn’t all that hard. For his sake, I hope it changes quickly.
Snowshoe Hare

I also spent some time photographing birds today. Many were camera-shy, but I was able to capture a few decent shots.
Cedar Waxwing

Black-capped Chickadee
Hairy Woodpecker
With the warm weather forecast, open water fishing is just around the corner!
Enjoy the Outdoors,
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