Hot Weather Bassin’
Posted in Uncategorized, tagged Fishing, Justin Hoffman Outdoors, Koppers, Largemouth Bass, Lazer Trokar, LiveTarget, Outdoors on July 21, 2011 | Leave a Comment »
July 19, 2011
Hello All,
The temperature is certainly warm, and with little surprise, the bass action has been equally hot.
With light winds and a humidity of 40-degrees, I launched into the Rideau River this past Tuesday. One thing that became obvious early on was how the ferocious storm from two nights earlier had decimated many of my mid-lake slop areas. I am certainly used to them moving around or changing size as the season progresses, but have never witnessed huge expanses disappear completely. Finding new water would be the name of the game this outing.
When the water warms and the sun blazes overhead, largemouth always seek out some sort of shelter. This can take the form of docks, laydowns, slop, pads, and thick weed clumps. Prodding this heavy cover is generally your best bet for getting bit.
Shoreline slop coughed up the usual fish as did the odd deep laydown. The largest concentration of largemouth were found in two distinct spots – undercut banks and small, isolated slop mats found a considerable distance from shore. Isolated cover – be it pads or slop – should always be investigated, as roaming bass utilize these shaded canopies once the sun begins shining, and the more isolated they are, the better the chance is for it to cough up a fish.
Frogs, flipping jigs and Texas-rigged creatures or craws accounted for the vast majority of fish.

Put 14 largies in the boat. Best fish was a chunk that weighed 3.61lbs – sadly she snapped my $500 flipping stick in half….not on the hookset, but during the subsequent fight! I still managed to land it even with half of my rod in the water.
July 20, 2011
Wednesday was even hotter than the previous day, but the stiff breeze is what really made fishing uncomfortable. I decided to head to a different stretch of the River to change things up and fish some new water.
Finding fish was a bit tougher during this outing, and even when I could find productive spots, controlling the boat became a definite nuisance. I figured out one pattern early on, and that was to fish shallow. Nearly all of my fish were pushed right up against the bank, and either hiding under slop mats or relating to undercuts. I’d say 80-percent of the fish came from water less than a foot deep. Fish were also relating to rock, and any boulders combined with shoreline slop coughed up fish. This pattern was on so I spent much of the day looking for similarly-styled water.
Flipping jigs and Paca Craws worked like a charm today. I stuck with the latter for most of the slop or “edge” fishing and pitched jigs to undercut banks.

Finished off the day with 13 fish boated. And of course, a refreshing swim.
Proven Products
Working in the fishing industry allows me to test drive a lot of new products. Catching fish is the ultimate goal. Comparing them to similar baits or lures, and judging if they work better, is what really gets me excited.
Two products have stood out for me over the last month. They are the Kopper LIVETARGET Frog and the line of Lazer Trokar Hooks.

Not only does the LIVETARGET Frog have the most realistic look on the market right now, but the hooking percentage has drastically increased from what I once achieved with other frogs. I’d put it in the neighbourhood of 80-percent. These frogs have accounted for 40+ fish for me this season already – I’m definitely impressed to say the least.
I do a lot of pitching and flipping. It is pretty much my bread and butter when it comes to bass. Finding a hook that is strong, sharp and has excellent fish-holding power is something that is definitely important. It really means the difference between getting that fish in the boat or not.
The Lazer Trokar line of hooks have been an eye opener. I have been using the Magworm (TK120) for all of my Texas-rigged plastics this season and they sure do work great. I don’t think I have ever come across a hook that holds in a fish’s mouth so well. Half of the time I am reaching for the pliers when unhooking fish – and I sometimes struggle to pop the hook out. Besides that they are sharp, and are the only hook on the market using surgically sharpened technology.
Two great products that have definitely contributed to my catch rate this season – be sure to check them out.
Stay Cool and Good Fishing,
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